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    New Webinar on the Vector LearningXchange – How Geospatial Data Improves Planning and Implementation in Vector Control

    24 April 2020

    New Webinar on the Vector LearningXchange – How Geospatial Data Improves Planning and Implementation in Vector Control

    Webinar! Mapping 101 with Maxar: How Geospatial Data Improves Planning and Implementation in Vector Control

    Presenters: Matt Hallas, Maxar and Solomon Wasse, PMI VectorLink Ethiopia

    When: Thursday, May 14th 10:00 AM EST

    This webinar will focus on the application of geospatial data for the purposes of improving the planning and implementation of health interventions. Satellite imagery and data derived from high-resolution imagery can be used to accurately map the distribution of populations, which is particularly beneficial in regions that have historically been unmapped. After quickly covering the basics of extracting information from satellite imagery, such as the extent of buildings and roads, we will transition into several use cases that highlight the utility of high-resolution data. Using a geospatial dataset detailing all of the buildings in a country, our partners have achieved significant reductions in their operational costs due to time and resource savings. We will walk through 2 distinct use cases where this data provided immediate value: 1) Planning and implementing an IRS campaign in Mozambique and, 2) a use case example from PMI VectorLink Ethiopia using satellite imagery for enumeration activities.
