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    New Publication: Report of the 2018 annual meeting of the Asia Pacific Malaria Elimination Network Vector Control Working Group: harnessing skills and knowledge for malaria elimination across the Asia Pacific

    31 May 2021

    New Publication: Report of the 2018 annual meeting of the Asia Pacific Malaria Elimination Network Vector Control Working Group: harnessing skills and knowledge for malaria elimination across the Asia Pacific

    Hello Vector Control Colleagues!
    We are happy to announce that the 2018 meeting report has been published on the Parasites and Vector Journal.
    The 2018 Asia Pacific Malaria Elimination Network’s Vector Control Working Group (APMEN VCWG) annual meeting took place 3–5 September 2018 in Bangkok, Thailand. It was designed to be a forum for entomology and public health specialists from APMEN country programmes (over 90 participants from 30 countries) to discuss current progress and challenges related to planning, implementing, and sustaining effective vector control (VC) strategies for malaria elimination across the region, and to suggest practical and applicable solutions to these moving forward. The meeting was organised as a joint collaboration between the VCWG host institution—Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University, Thailand—and leading partner institutions within the VCWG: Malaria Consortium and the Malaria Elimination Initiative at the University of California, San Francisco, Global Health Group (UCSF Global Health Group), under the leadership of the APMEN Director and VCWG Co-Chairs from ministries of health in Malaysia and India. This report provides introduction to the role and nature of the VCWG, highlights key themes and topics presented and discussed at the meeting, and outlines the future objectives and focal areas for the VCWG and APMEN at large.
    Read full publication here, or 2018 annual meeting report here.