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    What are some of the novel strategies being used for mosquito surveillance? How can we incorporate entomological with epidemiological data to guide more focused decision-making? This page features a range of video materials to guide entomological and vector control research and practice. This includes material from partners in the VCWG, as well global research, programme, and industry institutions.


    What are some of the novel strategies being used for
    mosquito surveillance? How can we incorporate
    entomological with epidemiological data to guide more
    focused decision-making? This page features a range of
    video materials to guide entomological and vector control
    research and practice. This includes material from
    partners in the VCWG, as well global research, programme,
    and industry institutions.


    Entomology and Epidemiology

    Novel strategies for vector insects
    Research methods: Introduction
    Epidemiology- Cohort and case-control trials
    Epidemiology- Randomised Control Trials
    Vector Control by WHO