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    Invitation to APMEN TechTalks: All about Bednets, Cradle to Grave

    01 June 2022

    Invitation to APMEN TechTalks: All about Bednets, Cradle to Grave

    Greetings from APMEN!

    We would like to invite you to the 27th APMEN TechTalks webinar “All about Bednets, Cradle to Grave”, organized by APMEN Vector Control Working Group, on June 15 (Wednesday), 2:00 pm Singapore time.

    Vector Control has been our primary tool to combat malaria for well over a century, and in recent decades the focus has been on Insecticide-Treated Bednets. Multiple challenges beset the efficiency, uptake and durability of these nets, and gives rise to partial failures in transmission reduction. This webinar will explore all of these issues.

    Kindly register here –  https://aplma-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8rdFfaypS2GFUNoBvCJYoA