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    Invitation: APMEN TechTalks – Homing in on Residual Malaria

    23 June 2021

    Invitation: APMEN TechTalks – Homing in on Residual Malaria

    APMEN Vector Control Working Group (VCWG) is organizing the regular technical webinar focusing on Homing in on Residual Malaria. This webinar is scheduled on 7th July 2021, Wednesday (1 PM Singapore Time).
    Register here
    Vector Control has been our ‘Go-to’ primary tool against malaria for more than a century, but as countries get closer to Elimination and pockets of Residual Malaria frustrate our historic default approaches to combat malaria, we need to engage in more subtle and locally-targeted tactics. Pockets of sustained low-grade transmission need to be identified, an understanding developed of the specific causes perpetuating such transmission, and focal interventions targeting such gaps implemented. In these three presentations we look at different aspects of such a targeted, focal approach to addressing residual malaria to reach Elimination.

    Title of presentations
    1. Getting to zero: Stratification of malaria micro-foci in the Solomon Islands – Dr. Tanya Russell
    2. Human Behavior, Livelihood, and Malaria Transmission in Two Sites of Papua New Guinea – Dr. Daniela Rodríguez Rodríguez
    3. Effectiveness of combined reactive focal mass MDA and focal vector control in a residual malaria setting – Dr. Michelle Hsiang

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