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    Ifakara MasterClasses in Public Health & Medical Entomology, October 14th 2021

    11 October 2021

    Ifakara MasterClasses in Public Health & Medical Entomology, October 14th 2021

    Sustaining the [Malaria] Gains: a MasterClass with Profs. Thomas Churcher & Ellie Sherrard Smith

    Ifakara MasterClasses in Public Health & Medical Entomology; Episode XXXI: Thursday, October 14th 2021;  Starting 2.00 pm EAT
    Hosted by Fredros Okumu (Ifakara) & Sheila Ogoma (CHAI)
    Indicative Topics:
    1. Magic Mixes: selecting the best combinations of interventions in different contexts
    2. Evidence-based vector control: what next for ITNs, IRS & LSM
    3. Anticipating the RTS,S vaccine roll-out: how do we use it alongside other tools?
    4. Transformative approaches & tools: [a case for improved vector control options]
    5. Measuring impact of malaria interventions: balancing ento and epi indicators
    6. Measuring the gaps in vector control: a case of mosquitoes biting outdoors and early
    7. Impact of insecticide resistance on vector control ‐ how best should we respond
    8. Sustaining the malaria control gains: how do we prevent stagnation and rebounds?
    9. Careers& mentorship: personal experiences in public health and academia

    Register in advance for this MasterClass: https://ternet-or-tz.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAtc-iprjwrGd19G8dZXaOZ_6hZudYkS0Ja