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    Day 3, 17th May 2021 (Monday)

    Day 3, 17th May 2021 (Monday)

    Dr. Rose Nani Mudin, Dr. Rose Nani Mudin, Chair, APMEN Vector Control Working Group | Deputy Director Communicable Disease, Disease Control Division, Ministry of Health Malaysia

    Dr Rose Nani Mudin is a Consultant Public Health Physician and Epidemiologist, and Deputy Director Communicable Disease, Disease Control Division, Ministry of Health, Government of Malaysia. She graduated as Doctor in Medicine, Surgery and Obstetrics (M.D) in 1992 from the State University of Ghent, Belgium. She then pursued a Master’s degree in Public Health in 2003, further continued her specialization course in Epidemiology and obtained her Master in Public Health of Epidemiology in 2007 from University of Malaya, Malaysia.

    She has over 20 years’ experience as program manager and managing infectious diseases and Vector Borne Diseases at the state, national, and international levels. She is the coordinator and committee of National Zika Experts Committee for Ministry of Malaysia and the Head of the Technical Working Group of Integrated Vector Management course, conjoint efforts between WHO, APMEN, ACT Malaria and Ministry of Health Malaysia. She was also the Executive Board Officers for Asian collaborative Training network for Malaria in July 2013.

    2:00 pm - 2:05 pm ( UTC )

    Brief Opening and Welcome

    Dr. Leo Braack, Senior Vector Control Specialist, Malaria Consortium

    Leo is a medical entomologist, having spent most of his life in Africa. He moved to Asia in early 2019 where he now works for Malaria Consortium as Senior Vector Control Specialist, supporting malaria and dengue vector control projects in mainly Cambodia and Myanmar. He is also Co-Chair and Technical Lead for the Asia Pacific Malaria Elimination Network (APMEN) Vector Control Working Group (VCWG), and through that platform supports the development and implementation of various vector control capacity-building interventions for NMCP’s and other institutions in Asia Pacific. Leo believes that as malaria recedes in impact and importance in Asia in the decade ahead, dengue is going to emerge as a serious public health threat which deserves early attention.

    2:05 pm - 2:20 pm ( UTC )

    Introduction of topic and explanation of afternoons process

    Dr. Jenarun Jelip, Malaria Programme Manager, Ministry of Health Malaysia
    2:20 pm - 2:35 pm ( UTC )

    Presentation on core practices and approaches in vector and case surveillance in Malaysia

    Dr. Lucia Fernandez Montoya, WHO Technical officer - Spain

    Lucia Fernandez Montoya works at the Global Malaria Programme at WHO, Geneva. Among other tasks, she is responsible for the development of guidelines and digital tools to support countries strengthen entomological surveillance and the monitoring of vector control interventions and use this data for decision making. Prior to joining WHO Lucia worked as a researcher at ISGLOBAL (Spain) and Centro de Saude de Manhiça (Mozambique) testing the feasibility of malaria elimination in sub-Saharan Africa. Lucia coordinated the implementation of a vector surveillance system and the evaluation of vector control interventions. Lucia holds a BSc in Physics by the University of Madrid (Spain), MSc in International Health Research by the University of Barcelona (Spain) and is currently finishing her PhD on vector control and entomological surveillance in a malaria elimination setting. Lucia also worked previously at the WHO Climate Change and Health department supporting countries to adapt their health systems to the adverse impacts of weather events and climate change. She is the author of the book Climate Services for Health: Fundamentals and Case Studies for improving public health decision-making in a new climate

    2:35 pm - 3:00 pm ( UTC )

    Introducing the WHO DHIS2 Entomology tool

    3:00 pm - 3:15 pm ( UTC )

    Refreshment break and video show

    Dr Lucia Fernandez Montoya and Dr Leo Braack,
    3:15 pm - 4:15 pm ( UTC )

    Group discussion: Break-away into three groups (South Asia, GMS, Malay Archipelago & Melanesia): In-depth review of current surveillance practices and scope for improvement and integration and Elim...

    4:15 pm - 4:25 pm ( UTC )

    Short break to allow Rapporteurs to prepare for Plenary feedback

    4:25 pm - 4:55 pm ( UTC )

    Plenary feedback by three Break-away groups

    Dr. Leo Braack, Senior Vector Control Specialist, Malaria Consortium

    Leo is a medical entomologist, having spent most of his life in Africa. He moved to Asia in early 2019 where he now works for Malaria Consortium as Senior Vector Control Specialist, supporting malaria and dengue vector control projects in mainly Cambodia and Myanmar. He is also Co-Chair and Technical Lead for the Asia Pacific Malaria Elimination Network (APMEN) Vector Control Working Group (VCWG), and through that platform supports the development and implementation of various vector control capacity-building interventions for NMCP’s and other institutions in Asia Pacific. Leo believes that as malaria recedes in impact and importance in Asia in the decade ahead, dengue is going to emerge as a serious public health threat which deserves early attention.

    4:55 pm - ( UTC )

    Summary review of the day and closing remarks