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    Day 2, 12th May 2021 (Wednesday)

    Day 2, 12th May 2021 (Wednesday)

    2:00 pm - 2:05 pm ( UTC )

    Brief Opening and Welcome:

    Dr. Leo Braack, Senior Vector Control Specialist, Malaria Consortium

    Leo is a medical entomologist, having spent most of his life in Africa. He moved to Asia in early 2019 where he now works for Malaria Consortium as Senior Vector Control Specialist, supporting malaria and dengue vector control projects in mainly Cambodia and Myanmar. He is also Co-Chair and Technical Lead for the Asia Pacific Malaria Elimination Network (APMEN) Vector Control Working Group (VCWG), and through that platform supports the development and implementation of various vector control capacity-building interventions for NMCP’s and other institutions in Asia Pacific. Leo believes that as malaria recedes in impact and importance in Asia in the decade ahead, dengue is going to emerge as a serious public health threat which deserves early attention.

    2:05 pm - 2:15 pm ( UTC )

    Introduction of topic and explanation of afternoons process

    Élodie A. Vajda, Entomologist, University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Malaria Elimination Initiative (MEI), USA

    Élodie Vajda is an Entomologist at UCSF’s Malaria Elimination Initiative (MEI). Élodie provides support to several entomological surveillance programs and studies in Africa, Central America, and Southeast Asia. Specifically, she leads and contributes to technical, program management, and planning activities. She is also involved in a large-scale project to evaluate novel bite prevention tools in the Greater Mekong Subregion. Élodie holds an MSc in Entomology from McGill University, Montreal, Canada and a master’s degree in International Public Health from The University of Sydney in Sydney, Australia. She is currently conducting her PhD at the University of Basel/Swiss TPH.

    2:15 pm - 3:00 pm ( UTC )

    Introducing the new state-of-the-art UCSF Entomological Surveillance Planning Tool

    3:00 pm - 3:15 pm ( UTC )

    Refreshment break and video show

    Tom Burkot, Tanya Russel, Elodie Vajda and Leo Braack,
    3:15 pm - 4:15 pm ( UTC )

    Group Analysis: Break-away into three groups (South Asia, GMS, Malay Archipelago & Melanesia): Determination of key training needs for vector control and capacity strengthening to achieve optimal ...

    4:15 pm - 4:25 pm ( UTC )

    Short break to allow Rapporteurs to prepare for Plenary feedback

    Tom Burkot, Tanya Russel, Elodie Vajda and Leo Braack,
    4:25 pm - 4:55 pm ( UTC )

    Plenary feedback by three Break-away groups

    Dr. Leo Braack, Senior Vector Control Specialist, Malaria Consortium

    Leo is a medical entomologist, having spent most of his life in Africa. He moved to Asia in early 2019 where he now works for Malaria Consortium as Senior Vector Control Specialist, supporting malaria and dengue vector control projects in mainly Cambodia and Myanmar. He is also Co-Chair and Technical Lead for the Asia Pacific Malaria Elimination Network (APMEN) Vector Control Working Group (VCWG), and through that platform supports the development and implementation of various vector control capacity-building interventions for NMCP’s and other institutions in Asia Pacific. Leo believes that as malaria recedes in impact and importance in Asia in the decade ahead, dengue is going to emerge as a serious public health threat which deserves early attention.

    4:55 pm - ( UTC )

    Summary review of the day and closing remarks