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    APMEN Short Course Vector Surveillance great success

    18 August 2024

    APMEN Short Course Vector Surveillance great success

    Over the four days 12-15 August APMEN held an Online Course on Vector Surveillance, with Prof Neil Lobo as the presenter. It was a great success and we intend to hold it again next year, based on strong demand for this course. A total of 1,735 people from 106 countries across the world registered for this event, and in the end 1,063 persons from 85 countries attended. 38% of attendees were from the Asia-Pacific Region, and a whopping 54% from Africa.

    • 1,735 individuals from 106 countries across all continents registered.
    • Of these, 575 (33%) were from 20 Asia Pacific countries, and 983 (57%) were from African countries.